Changing Your Spots

We're in the midst of troubling times and I think it would be irresponsible and disingenuous of me to pretend otherwise, even on a fashion blog. I'm affected by Trump's presidency so little on a personal level (currently) that I could ignore the news and escape into my own bubble. In fact, I've seen plenty of bloggers do just that. On the day of the Women's Marches that took place around the globe, the number of self-styled 'girl gang' bloggers who approached the event with complete radio silence was disconcerting, their atypical social media black out only broken the next day by a new lipstick recommendation or collaboration shout out. 

Now, not everyone is politically minded. Not everyone follows the news and not everyone is in the position, mentally, physically or otherwise, to engage in politics. However, to found a personal brand under a blanket of feminism only to opt out of the realities and necessities of the movement really sticks in my throat. Women are under threat. Immigrants are under threat. The poor are under threat. Racial minorities are under threat. Indigenous people are under threat. The chronically ill are under threat. The LGBTQ community is under threat. Muslims are under threat. Freedom is under threat. When such an affront to democracy is hurled in our path, we must stand up however we can. As such, if we are afforded a platform and, particularly if that platform is wrapped up in a message of feminism, it's distasteful - at best - to ignore it.

Such issues are unpalatable and may well be 'off brand' for many voices out there but does that matter? Can we not love fashion and beauty and interiors and speak up against global injustice? Are we so shackled by maintaining a consistent, curated output that we can't possibly stray from it?

I'll call out Trump, I'll attend marches, I'll make donations and I'll hold the government to account. But I'll also wear bright colours, share pictures of my cat, sew a new pair of ridiculous clashing print trousers and walk around in gold boots. You absolutely can be two things at once and, at times like this, you absolutely should. 

I'm finding the never-ending wave after wave of bad news mentally exhausting and I know others are too. It's difficult to process the magnitude of what's happening under Trump without feeling completely spent by the end of each day. So it's necessary to pull back sometimes and to take some time to get together a killer outfit or watch animal videos or write about how polka dots changed your life.

It's not a bad thing to wax lyrical about a collection or gush about a new nail varnish colour. Culture and creativity are an important part of life and I'll never believe they should be belittled or disparaged. Where would we be without it?

So, no, I don't feel guilty about having kept up with every single couture show or having watched the entirety of the new Lemony Snicket the other weekend. But when I'm refreshed, I get right back on it. And the reason I do it is because I say I'm a feminist so I better fucking well act like one.